Curious minds, meet your answers – plus an inside look at what’s on the horizon! Explore this week’s highlights and get the latest updates on what’s coming next.
Q: You guys said $NETVR would be the only currency for the marketplace. Yet in the clip you see ETH, is this a mistake?
A: That wasn’t a mistake; it was an early version that displayed values directly from OpenSea, which is why ETH was shown. However, rest assured, only $NETVR will be used for transactions on our marketplace. This remains a core part of our vision to ensure that $NETVR is the backbone of our ecosystem.
Q: When will your own marketplace be launched?
A: While we can’t share an exact date just yet, the great news is that it’s just around the corner. Keep an eye out, an official announcement is coming soon!
Q: How many people are in the team?
A: We have around 20 full-time employees, but we regularly collaborate with contractors and external agencies to enhance our capabilities. Like many gaming studios, we adjust the number of developers as needed for different phases of development. In addition to development, we work with specialized marketing agencies and other partners to cover all aspects of NetVRk’s growth. While our core team is around 20 people, the number of individuals working for or with NetVRk is much higher due to our collaborations with these external experts.
Have a burning question? Drop it in the comments of this X post, and you might see it featured in next week’s Wonder Wednesday!